Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals Question# 3

Identify and describe one company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion, how MIS helps and supports the company, its managers and other employees, in their problem solving and decision-making.

Design tow new information systems for Healthlite Yogurt Company.
One is database processing system. The other is electronic data interchange(EDI).
Information system (IS) are costly to purchase, deploy, and maintain. Therefore,
in a world where business enterprise if operated for value maximisation according to theory of rational choice, it is natrual to suppose that MIS offers economic value and that this value overcomes the costs. As much it has rightly been an objective
...one subsistent tools to support them. One of IS is the database processing system. There are four components involved in it: User's Application Programs, The DataBase Administrator, The DataBase and Data Base Management System. This system located in the corporate headquarters and adept star network topolopy of LAN.
The other IS is the EDI in which transmit computer data from the corporate headquarter to the outlets and vice versa. The terminals in which are located in each outlet by the Healthlite Yogurt Company to each sales representative. They carry the portables with them as they cobra their territories and enable them to do their job better.

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