Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finals Question# 2

A company may adopt specific computerized database system according to their unique needs after thorough MIS planning. However, it has to be noted that MIS if properly planned, and implemented, benefits can be immeasurable on the other hand, if this is misused, then it may mean information or financial losses and opportunity and resources wasted.

From this, answer the following.

1.0.a Research one international company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan.
The Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP) is a high level, evolving plan that charts the coursefor current and future information needs of MidCentral DHB. The following pages identify the current IC&T environment, the vision for IC&T at MDHB and the building blocks required to achieve the end goal of a fully integrated IC&T system. It is aligned to the National ISSP Framework, and in this first 2003/04 year, lays a foundation from which future development and further enhancement may flow. District Health Boards are required, under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, to develop and implement an Information Systems Strategic Plan. This plan complies with national requirements including: E-government strategy ,
The information needs set out in this document have been identified through various sources, including: MDHB District Annual Plan, MDHB District Strategic Plan and recommendations from the WAVE report. Also considered have been many internal documents and reports that have identified the need for a more comprehensive and greater access to information to improve patient care and MDHB funding allocations. Through this planning process we will prioritise these needs. The ISSP sets the goals and develops a high-level implementation strategy for a three to five year riod. The detailed implementation plan will follow as projects are approved. Accessing sufficient resources will be key to achieving the goals, as well as continually monitoring, reviewing and revising plans as necessary. MDHB’s vision for IC&T is toprovideaccess to quality information across the district in a timely manner to ensure effective and efficient health decision-making. Over the next three to five years, we will develop a comprehensive, integrated IC&T system that makes it possible to collect relevant information from various sources and report in such a way that it is timely, efficient, accurate and complete with respect to patient care, and MDHB funding allocations. The ISSP supports MDHB’s vision: “The people of our district enjoy the best poandindependence.” Aswell as our strategic directions: Strong public and primary health care services Effective early intervention and rehabilitation services Integration health and disability support services Responsive rural health services A collaborative, skilled workforce Effective and efficient healthcare service.

1.0.b Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management,competitors, customers and the company as a whole.

Provides the intelligence behind all MIS solutions, offering tools to build advanced analytical applications based on underlying multi-dimensional technology.It provides a single enterprise-wide business intelligence platform based on MIS Application which integrates information stored in existing source systems and data warehouses across organization this brings benefits throughout the organization

2.0.a Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines.

MIS planning can increase productivity,competitiveness,based on this platform, users can utilize pre-built planning and controlling applications for enterprise planning, risk management, consolidation and subsidiary management. It helps to solve the problem and seek possible solution.
2.0.b Discuss too the possible effect on the company.

This information can be rapidly retrieved and updated to assist managers in making decisions. The management information system is capable of evaluating more alternatives than manual methods, can make better and faster decisions and provides timely and accurate information for decision making. Perhaps if more companies are able to fully integrate the finance, marketing, production and personnel functions into an integrated corporate simulation model, they will be better able to determine the effects that changes in internal or external phenomenon will have on their organization.

3.0.a What is an Accounting Information System?

Accounting Information Systems (AISs) combine the study and practice of accounting with the design, implementation, and monitoring of information systems. Such systems use modern information technology resources together with traditional accounting controls and methods to provide users the financial information necessary to manage their organizations.

An accounting information system (AIS) is the system of records a business keeps to maintain its accounting system. This includes the purchase, sales, and other financial processes of the business. The purpose of an AIS is to accumulate data and provide decision makers (investors, creditors, and managers) with information to make decision While this was previously a paper-based process, most modern businesses now use accounting software such as UBS, MYOB etc. Information System personnel need knowledge of database management and programming language such as C, C++, JAVA and SQL as all software is basically built from platform or database.
3.0.b Identify or list down different accounting information systems used.
Financial reporting
Cost accounting systems
Management accounting systems
3.0.c What are the benefits by the management, users and customers derived from these AIS?
Kohls is a merchandise company that would use accounting information systems as the lifeline or backbone of the business, especially since accounting systems include people, records, methods, and equipment. As a former associate, I have had the ability to learn about how Kohls operates. Kohls uses source documents to include checks, packing slips, cash register receipts, and employee time cards, to name a few. Input devices used would be scanners, both at the register and radio frequency guns that maintain inventory and pricing information. Information processors are at the store level and also at the home office. Management take reports and evaluate the sales, credit card goals, and payroll. I believe most of the information storage is at the Home Office. The information obtained from the daily reports come from there, such as sales forecasts, payroll projections, etc. Output devices are located throughout the stores and the home office in the form of registers, printers, monitors, etc.

It is my opinion that the company would not be able to run efficiently without these items. They all work together to streamline the accounting process that could take an extraordinary amount of time to compile should these things not exist. The system could be challenging because most of the analysis and input relies on a human factor. Errors in reading reports or a cashier that does not properly complete a markdown on merchandise can alter the ending outcome of the reports.
3.0.d Cite any threat or misuse of these AIS by a specific company. How were the threats addressed? What were the damages?

Much of the recent design and development efforts have been directed
toward simplifying system usage as well as enhancing the variety justifyresources available to the userHowever, thesetogether with the ever increasing concentration of high-risk dataresident on computer systems, also result in greater opportunitiesfor system abuse.FAA employees or other

REPORTING LOSS, THEFT, OR DAMAGE.  Incidents of loss,              
theft, or damage to computer equipment, software, and data shall         
be reported immediately to the appropriate security element by           
the facility manager and/or other responsible personnel.                 
Reporting requirements shall be communicated to FAA personnel who        
are engaged in the operation, programming, and administration of         
FAA computer systems, related facilities, and related activities,        
to include commercial time-sharing.                                      
    a.  Suspected or Alleged Fraud or Theft.  Incidents of              
      systems misuse or abuse, or other use of AIS systems contrary to         
      law or FAA regulations, shall be reported to the security office         
      servicing the AIS facility for arranging for investigation when          
    b.  Property Damage or Destruction.  Incidents of malicious         
      damage or theft of AIS equipment or records shall be reported, as        
      appropriate, to the cognizant security element for investigation         
      and, if appropriate, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation              
      (FBI).  In emergency situations where time is of the essence,            
      notification may be made to the FBI, to the building protective          
      services office, or to the law enforcement office with                   
      jurisdiction over the location, with immediate notification also         
      to the cognizant security element.                                       
    c.  Property Record Reconciliation.  Incidents of lost,             
      damaged, or destroyed computer equipment or software should be           
      reported on FAA Form 4630-8, Report of Survey, in compliance with        
      Order 4630.3B, Survey of Lost, Damaged, or Destroyed Government          
      Personal Property.  Incidents related to thefts and losses of            
      government and personal property, at Washington headquarters             
      shall be reported in accordance with Order WA 1600.2C.                   

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